What Are Woven Patches Used For?
Posted by Signature Pins | August 17, 2010 at 3:59pm | Topic: Woven PatchesTagged: Uniform Patches
Woven Patches
Woven patches are ideal for designs that cannot be accurately embroidered when minute detail and very fine lettering is essential. These items consist of 100% thread with no cloth background showing which gives them a luxurious look.
Standard patches are a great way to keep costs down as they can be made at 50%, 75% or 100% in order to fit the needs of our customers. 100% Rayon thread makes them last a long time. These items can easily be passed down from one generation to another as keepsakes. Superior craftsmanship and materials are a few of the reasons why our customers continue to place orders with us.
Which Customers Prefer Woven Patches?
Businesses, organizations, schools, and youth groups often find woven patches to be advantageous. They use them for identification purposes and to award their employees and students for reaching specific milestones or landmark achievements. They should select woven when they have a need for fine details and or lots of text that needs to be put in a small area.
Woven patches come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors depending on the custom artwork that is designed for our customers. We make suggestions based on an individual or group’s design ideas.
St. Paul’s Primary contacted us because they needed custom woven patches created for their students. Rather than go with the standard 4” embroidered patch, the customer opted to create a 2” woven square patch. Identifying details like the school’s name and motto, “Fear God and Keep His Commandments,” are large and still readable at the 2” size. This makes them ideal for uniforms as well as bags and backpacks.
Custom woven patches have many uses and are very lightweight yet durable. They come with a variety of different styles of backing to fit each and every one of our customer’s needs. To learn more about what we have to offer or to see samples of our work, visit http://www.signaturepatches.com.