Pirate Pendants Mark the Return of Gasparilla Krewe
Posted by Signature Pins | Tuesday September 28th, 2010 | Topic: Custom Challenge Coins
Since the year 1904, “Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla” has been invading Downtown Tampa, Florida. The krewe originally started with as few as 40 members and now consists of over 700 prominent men and women. The increase in krewe size is a direct reflection of the Gasparilla Extravaganza’s growth in popularity since it first began.
The Extravaganza upholds the memory of legendary pirate Jose Gaspar, who referred to himself as Gasparilla, and his buried treasure that has yet to be found. Signature Pins has been a part of this event for several years. We provide Bead Barn, a supplier of beads and trinkets, with custom trading pins and pirate medallions for the festival.
Let the Swashbuckling Begin
Participants can show their krewe spirit with both custom made lapel pins and medallions. As a lapel pin manufacturer that has not lost its sense of humor, we create both custom lapel pins and custom medallions in the same spirit of fun brought by the Gasparilla Extravaganza.
Our version of a skull with crossbones is more amusing than it could ever be frightening. A pirate medallion dressed is pink glitter definitely represents a good time. This is just one way in which we can play on the festival’s theme. Other customizable options include cut-out medallions and adding gemstones or danglers. In addition to that, we are able to include the name of a particular krewe on any medallion or lapel pin.
We can increase the merriment by adding krewes’ names to the lapel pin design. Aside from members who wear lapel pins to identify themselves as members of a particular krewe, the pin can also be used as a custom trading pin. A game could easily be made out of using trading lapel pins to represent members captured by opposing krewes. With our unlimited customizable options the avenues for fun are endless.
Not All Treasures Are Hard to Find
You might not be participating in next year’s Gasparilla Extravaganza but you may be looking for the perfect additions to your pirate themed party. If pirates are not your thing, we can match any other theme you have adopted for your special event. Just call us at 1-800-480-6822 or send us an email with your theme and ideas at info@signaturepins.com.