Years of Service Award Lapel Pins Honor Employees for Their Dedication

Posted by Signature Pins | Thursday May 24th, 2012 | Topic: Custom Lapel Pins
There are many different ways to honor your employees for their years of service. Create a lapel pin that they can wear every day.  Consider different sizes, shapes, styles, and colors.  Each detail can accentuate the artwork that we create for your award lapel pins and make them even more appealing to your employees.  They’ll want to show off their years of service lapel pins wherever they go. Design your pin the way you want. There are many options to mark years of service. Some suggestions that we make include simulated gemstones and danglers.  Both can be used to recognized different milestones within one company.  For example, employees with 10 years of service have one color of gemstone on their custom lapel pins while employees with 25 years of service have another color of gemstone on their pins.  This makes it easy to recognize an individual’s achievement from far away. Years of service award lapel pins are often given out at an awards ceremony or banquet.  You can further personalize the experience by creating custom cardstock for the pins to be attached to.  The message on the cardstock can be a quote, a poem or even a mission statement.  This allows the employer to further recognize the employee with a thoughtful sentiment.  Because the pins are attached to cardstock, they’re easy to store and display.  Once a person is done wearing their pin, they can attach it to the card once again. Order your custom years of service award lapel pins today.  We can help you create a design that works for your employee recognition program.  Visit to see the different styles of lapel pins that we offer.  You can also direct your questions to a representative by calling 1-800-480-6822 toll-free.  You can also email  We’ll send you a free full color digital proof and price quote for you to examine.