Bill of Rights Day Lapel Pins
Posted by Signature Pins | Friday December 14th, 2012 | Topic: Custom Lapel Pins
Bill of Rights Day is observed December 15th each year. The annual event highlights the importance of historic documents like the Bill of Rights and promotes the freedoms that we, as Americans, know and appreciate. First Act of Congress added the amendments to our Constitution on 12/15/1791 to protect our individual rights.
Custom lapel pins make the perfect addition to your annual celebration. In fact, because of their versatility, lapel pins can be used to accomplish many different things. For example, lapel pins can be used to celebrate your citizenship. New citizens can wear a lapel pin with pride, showing that they are now a citizen of the United States. Lapel pins can also be used in schools as a visual aid for students learning about the Bill of Rights. The pins can be designed to be educational tools as well as cherished and memorable keepsake.
Promote your event in accordance with a historical event. We can help you come up with a lapel pin design that is perfect for the occasion. Visit https://signaturepins.com/ to request a free price quote and an email attachment containing the custom artwork created for you in house. If you’d rather speak to a representative directly, you can call 1-800-480-6822 toll-free. You can also email your request to info@signaturepins.com. We’ll be more than happy to assist you with your order by providing you with free artwork and design services. Don’t wait another minute to request a free price quote. The sooner you approve the lapel pin design the sooner your pins arrive to your chosen location.