Custom Charms Set Your Business or Organization Apart from Others

Posted by Signature Pins | Wednesday January 9th, 2013 | Topic: Custom Lapel Pins
Did you know that we create custom charms at Signature Pins?  If you didn’t, now is the time to become knowledgeable on the subject.  In addition to custom lapel pins, we also offer attractive, meaningful charms for your special events and awards programs. Yes, you heard that right!  You can take the appeal of lapel pins and transform it into charms that can be worn around the neck or wrist or carried on a keychain.  Now, how’s that for exciting?  Imagine your employees, students, volunteers, customers or club members surprise when you present them with a meaningful gift like a custom charm. Here are just a few of the ways that you can make charms a part of your day-to-day operations:
  • Use custom charms as incentives for your sales or employee recognition awards program.
  • Hand out charms to long-term customers and volunteers thanking them for contributing to your business or organization.
  • Create promotional packets and include a charm for members of the media to see, report on, and enjoy.
  • Sell charms to raise money for worthy charities in your area.
  Think about your own ways to make custom charms work for you.  You can use them to promote your products or services.  You can use them to create loyalty among your employees and volunteers.  The personal mementos can foster pride in volunteers and get your customers excited about what you have to offer.  Charms can even be used to recruit new employees.  The sky is the limit when you think about it.  Whatever you want to use your custom charms for, you can!  That’s the beauty of ordering from Signature Pins.  We create products that you’re proud to call your own. Custom charms make the perfect thank you gift for your customers, employees, volunteers, and vendors.  Explore this option by visiting  You can submit your ideas to us via email at or call 1-800-480-6822 toll-free to speak to a representative.  No matter how you choose to contact us, know that you’re getting the best customer service available from a custom lapel pin company.  Your satisfaction is our number one concern.