Garden Club Lapel Pins

Posted by Signature Pins | Tuesday February 26th, 2013 | Topic: Custom Lapel Pins
It’s the time of year for all garden clubs to start thinking about their upcoming events for the next season. How about lapel pins to pass out to help promote your club?  Custom pins are attractive, meaningful, and versatile.  You can use them in a variety of different ways which we will highlight below. Garden club pins can be used in the following ways:
  • To thank new members for joining the club.
  • To raise money for upcoming events, tools, and educational resources.
  • To reward members for different levels of achievement.
  • To identify volunteers at garden club events.
  Garden club pins can be created in the size, shape, style, and colors that best meet your needs.  They can feature an image or photograph that represents your garden club the most accurately.  Pins can also have exciting add-ons like glitter, simulated gemstones or dangling charms as a way to make others interested in what you have to offer as a club. Don’t forget presentation options like velvet bags and acrylic pin cases.  You can even have custom cardstock printed and display the pins for your garden club that way.  Members will feel like they’re getting two gifts in one which is great. Maximize the impact your pins make.  Get your garden club lapel pins created today.  Send your request to a Signature Pins representative.  Visit to request a no obligation, free price quote and an email file containing the custom artwork that we created for you.  Email your ideas to  You can also call 1-800-480-6822 toll-free to speak to a representative.