Support Local Habitat for Humanity Home Builds with Custom Lapel Pins

Posted by Signature Pins | Monday May 5th, 2014 | Topic: Custom Lapel Pins
HabitatHabitat for Humanity is an organization committed to building homes for the needy in communities across the world.  We work with chapters nationwide to create custom lapel pins for their region.  The purpose of creating custom lapel pins varies from one chapter to the next. Here are some of the ways custom lapel pins can be used:
  • To help raise awareness of the importance of Habitat.
  • To help raise money for people who need a new home.
  • Easy way to say thank you to volunteers who help with the build.
  Habitat pins can be soft enamel, cloisonne, offset printed or die struck depending on your needs.  They can be any size, shape or color that you desire.  This allows you to put your own special flair into the artwork that we create for you.  Your pins will be a reflection of your Habitat for Humanity chapter, the city where your organization is located, and the volunteers that make the work you do possible. Create custom lapel pins to show your support for your local chapter of Habitat for Humanity.  Support home builds in your community by creating and distributing custom lapel pins to volunteers and donors.  Contact Signature Pins with your request for a no obligation, free price quote and digital file containing the custom artwork that we created for you. Email  You can also call 1-800-480-6822 toll-free.  We’re here to assist you with your request.  Submit your inquiry to us and we’ll get started on custom artwork for your order right away.  We want to help you make a real difference by providing housing to those in need in your city. Approve the design we create for you and pay for your order in full.  We’ll then pass on your approved artwork to the production department where it will be manufactured.  Your custom pins will be created and shipped to the address we have on file for you.  If it’s in the US, we pay the cost of shipping.  That’s how we say thank you for doing business with us.