A Look at One of Our Favorite Presentation Options
Here at Signature Pins, we talk a lot about the process of making custom lapel pins and the stories behind some of the more special designs that come through our office, but we rarely touch on something like presentation options. Normally, the custom lapel pins we help create are delivered in individual polyethylene bags to protect them during shipping, but we also offer acrylic cases, velvet boxes and custom cardstock.
Presenting a set of pins in a meaningful way is just as important as coming up with a beautiful design. With this in mind, we thought it would be a good idea to look at one of our favorite custom presentation options, custom cardstock, and examine how it can help tell your story and spread your message.
Telling Your Story With Custom Cardstock
Back in 2017, a couple in Virginia contacted us about creating a special lapel pin for their wedding ceremony. When they first got together, the couple started collecting pins to help remember the adventures they shared and the special events they went to. Having a special pin to celebrate their own wedding seemed like the perfect way to share their story with their closest friends and family, and to add to their ever-growing collection.

The pin itself is custom shaped like an antique lantern. The high polish copper plating gives it a classic shine and instead of a flame at the center, the couple chose a white rose. They wanted the presentation of each pin to be something special, so we helped them create a special cardstock design that would tell their story and shed some light on the meaning behind the pins.
As the message says, the lantern design is meant to serve as a reminder to “always let love be a light in our lives.” Custom lapel pins are often on the smaller side, leaving less room to include a meaningful message. Whether your pins are a part of an important awareness campaign, an employee recognition program, or even a wedding ceremony, presenting your pins attached to custom cardstock is the best way to spread your message.
Creating Different Styles of Cardstock
The process of designing cardstock with our team looks very similar to creating a custom lapel pin. While fine-tuning the artwork of your pin, you will also spend time getting the cardstock just right. This includes picking the shape, size and colors of the cardstock. The artwork is entirely up to you, so feel free to include as much or as little text as you see fit. Some pins only need a simple backdrop, while others benefit from a more text-heavy design like the lantern pin from before.

It’s important to remember that the size and shape of cardstock are completely customizable, as is the placement of the lapel pin on the cardstock. We’ve helped make lapel pins for charities, universities and businesses that use cardstock to share a message of gratitude or to offer resources to help recipients learn more information on certain causes, and the placement of the pins on the cardstock ensures all the relevant information can fit.

Creating a cardstock booklet is another fun way to accentuate your design and make the presentation of your pins that much more special. Cardstock booklets have plenty of room to include both custom artwork and text-heavy messages. The lapel pin can be placed within the booklet or on top, depending on what you think will work best for the design.

The most important thing to consider while designing custom cardstock for your lapel pins is how it will help accentuate the design and spread your message. Cardstock booklets are a favorite of charity organizations and fundraiser organizers who are looking for extra room to share their message, but cardstock focused more on artwork is perfectly capable of elevating your design and helping to make the presentation something special.
Presentation That Leaves a Lasting Impression
Our job here at Signature Pins is to help create high-quality custom pins with beautiful designs. We offer all kinds of unique options that can help any design leave a lasting impression, but the most important part of any pin’s life is the moment it’s presented.
The polyethylene bags a standard order of pins is shipped in help protect the artwork from scratching and denting, but custom cardstock helps make presenting your pins more special. Even if you don’t plan on using the cardstock to expand on the artwork or include a special message, having a thoughtful design that frames your lapel pins makes the presentation memorable and meaningful. Give us a call today, and see how we can create a special cardstock design that will take the presentation of your pins to the next level.