How do I start a price quote

Online Quote Forms

Filling out a quote form on our website is the best way to get a fast and accurate quote. Select the options you want on your design, and click the “Upload Artwork” button to attach any files for us to use as a reference. Your contact information will be needed in case a sales representative has to contact you for more design details.

how to start a free lapel pin quote - signature pins

Via Phone

To speak with a representative call us at
Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 6 PM.


Send us an email at You will need to provide the size, desired metal plating, qty needed, attachment option, and a phone number within the message. One of our sales representative will contact you if more details are needed before they can send you a quote. Attach any files you have for us to use as a reference.


We do no give quotes via social platforms. Our social media team will forward any information you provide (incl. images) to one of our sales representatives so they can better assist you.

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