Custom Options That Turn a Great Design Into an Incredible Design
Once you know the basics of custom pin design, it’s time to play around with some of the options that can really help your lapel pins stand out from the crowd. There are all kinds of customizable features to mix and match while you design your own pin, and finding the right options for your design starts with knowing what we have to offer.
If you’re looking for ways to make an unforgettable design or just want to see what kind of special options we have to offer, take a look below. If you see something you like, ask our team to include it in your own pin design and see how we can help you take a great design and turn it into something incredible.
Make Your Own Pins With a Touch More Style
One of the first things to consider while forming a design idea is the shape. We make all kinds of round and square pins, but there is a world of possibilities when it comes to shape. Instead of having a crest stamped into a round lapel pin, why not create a pin shaped like the crest itself? We’ve made shield lapel pins, pins shaped like awareness ribbons, and designs modeled after almost every random object you can think of.

Creating a custom shape will not necessarily cost more than making a round or square-shaped lapel pin, and since pin designs are generally on the smaller side, a custom shape will make better use of the available space to capture a design, while also allowing a little more room to include some other custom options like 3D artwork or gemstones.

When it comes to deciding on the right type of artwork, you can’t go wrong with either 2D or 3D, however, upgrading to a 3D design will definitely make pins stand out from the crowd. 3D lapel pins have the potential for a limitless number of raised and recessed levels and create some of the most detailed artwork possible.
2D lapel pins offer plenty of room for a beautiful design, but upgrading to 3D artwork is sometimes all you need to make a big impression. 3D is perfect for creating life-like representations of things like police badges, emblems, wings and buildings.

Gemstones are one of the most popular upgrade options for employee recognition pins, but they have the potential to make any kind of design sparkle a little brighter. Years of service pins will often have different colored gemstones embedded into the designs, each color representing a certain number of years with the company. We’ve also seen gemstones used to represent stars, a cat’s eyes and even pirate treasure in some of the more unique pins we’ve helped create.

The metal plating of your pins is another place we can add a little more custom flair. High polish gold, silver and copper plating are all popular choices, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg. Iridescent plating shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow under any light source, and colored metals like white powder coated metal can brighten up any type of artwork.
Certain types of plating work with certain types of designs. A rainbow metal design is better suited for artwork without a lot of colorfill since the plating will most likely take center stage. Colored metals make a big impact, setting the tone for a design, and work best with complementary enamel colors that help the plating stand out even more.
Custom Designed Pins That Tell Your Story
Taking advantage of custom shapes or upgrade options like 3D artwork, gemstones and custom plating will elevate your artwork and help make your design stand out from the crowd. Deciding what options and what kind of shapes and sizes your lapel pins should be is all up to you, so make sure to test out different ideas before making your final decision.
Everyone who orders a set of custom lapel pins has a unique story to tell, and the shape of their pins, the colors of the artwork, and the options that make up the design help tell that story and make the pins memorable and meaningful to the people receiving them. Our job here at Signature Pins is to help bring your vision for design to life, so let us know what options you need for your lapel pin design, and we’ll set to work.